Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The Right To Die; The Right To Live

Podcast: Questions of life and death raised by the Terri Schiavo case.

Lynne of World writes...

In 2005, there was a single, massive news story that divided America—and riveted the world.

By the spring of that year, a severely disabled Florida woman named Terri Schiavo had lived alone in a dark, tiny hospice room for four years. On the morning of March 18, Terri was sitting up in a chair, unhooked to machines of any kind. Her aunt and sister were visiting. As Terri listened to them talk, she was smiling. She had no idea that the State of Florida was about to dehydrate her to death.

You might remember the Terri Schiavo story as a bitter public feud over Terri’s right to die . . . or right to live. As her husband Michael sought to end her life no fewer than six times, the story ignited a media firestorm that pulled in Congress, the American president, and even the Pope.

But there’s so much more to the Schiavo case. Unanswered questions. Unsettling details. That’s why, in collaboration with Nick Eicher and Paul Butler of WORLD Radio, I'm hosting a new, investigative podcast about the case, called Lawless.

Lawless is a true crime podcast that examines a frightening fact of American life: that not every crime is against the law. Listen to the trailer for Season 1 at wng.org/lawless, or wherever you get your podcasts!

Thanks for listening.

Lynn Vincent

New York Times bestselling author and WORLD senior writer

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Content Or Community

COVID has required the church to go online and to produce "content". Relationships and gatherings have been difficult, if not impossible. The necessary alternative has been to produce material. But the church is about much more than content. It is strongly about those relationships.

Jason Dees has written an article The Church Is More Than A Content Producer. It might be worth pondering as we consider what the new normal for church looks like, post-COVID. He argues that going online has been a crutch necessary for a period but crutches should be put aside when we can walk well again.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Patrick Lencioni with Carey Nieuwhof on "Working Genius"

 The #2 most listened to podcast of 2021 by Carey Nieuwhof featured the very popular Patrick Lencioni speaking about how to discover your working genius, uncovering why some aspects of leadership drain you and others energise you, and how to get the best out of your team.

Carey wrote:

Patrick Lencioni noticed that no matter how long or how well a leader leads, some things continue to frustrate almost every leader.

 Pat and his team came up with a new assessment called Working Genius designed to help every leader figure out what energizes and what drains them, and where their best contribution comes from.

 Pat explains all six types of Working Genius and how to use the insights to best position yourself and your team.

Plus, in this episode’s What I’m Thinking About segment, Carey talks about why he thinks you’re going to need to pivot in 2021.

The YouTube version is here... but you get the extra notes by going to Carey's site.


2023 HTB Leadership Conference Recordings

Holy Trinity Brompton ( the church from which Alpha came) organises a leadership conference. The recordings of the 2023 speakers and seminar...