Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Terminal Churches

Dale Hudson writes of visiting a church with no children's ministry and no youth ministry. Some of us can identify with that and yet he talks of that church being terminal.

He lists number of signs that a church is terminal. It provides a bit of a checklist. They largely centre on preserving the past rather than looking to the future. How true is that of many of our churches?

The article seems to be largely sad. He does say there is hope but he doesn't (in this post) say now how a church can develop a ministry with young people. I am sure there are other posts on this blog that do explore that.

Or, maybe that is where we can help one another. What ideas do you have for revitalising dying churches?

Read the post.

Peter Cheyne

2023 HTB Leadership Conference Recordings

Holy Trinity Brompton ( the church from which Alpha came) organises a leadership conference. The recordings of the 2023 speakers and seminar...